Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Jacob's room

Here is a pic of one of the walls in Jacob's room. The green color on the walls is a little darker in real life. I think the flash makes it look a little washed out and I tried to adjust the color so it looked right, but didn't have any luck. I won the quilt on eBay. It's a handmade "rag" quilt and it has blue gingham and little frogs on it. I have decided that we are doing a frog theme in there (I only say I decided because Jason seems to go along with whatever). We are doing green gingham bedding that matches the walls. The quilt will hang on the wall above the crib and I plan on making wooden letters covered in blue gingham fabric to spell his name. That will hang on the wall opposite the crib above the book shelf. I know it's hard to visualize, but I'll post pictures after all of that is done.

Other than that, there isn't really anything new going on.

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